Excellent explanation of how this works, and why it is so important. I worked for a state law school for 15 years and many students were like you - first in family, for some from high school grad to law school grad. They were the idealists who wanted change and like you learned the reality if their choices in their first few years. I kept asking what happened to anti-trust and monopoly law and fingers pointed at the government and judiciary. I’m so inspired to see the younger generation taking in one of the most important stands for equality and free speech.

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Excellent first article.

What is the judicial rationale for refusing to allow audio streams or recording devices?

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Judicial conference just decided to cancel court streaming during trials for no reason. https://www.uscourts.gov/news/2023/09/12/judicial-conference-revises-policy-expand-remote-audio-access-over-its-pre-covid

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That's a real shame. I feel like that ruling should get more press. The Federal Government is suing possibly the most well-known company in the World and we're not allowed to record it?

That doesn't sound right.

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As a THREE time victim (I am a slow learner) of Google's monopolistic misbehavior between 2002 and 2012, I am looking forward to the your documentation of this case. My first hope is that the company is broken up so they can never again say, "It's just the algorithm" when explaining why a website with services that compete with a new acquisition's disappear from search results. My second hope is that YouTube is forced to compete and profit on its own. My third is that their ad tech is turned into a common carrier so that it can be accessed and used by the ecosystem of creators it was built on without compensation. Finally, I would love to see them prohibited from 'back filling' into niches like business to business services based on their control of data streams due to their massive scale and agreements that give them proprietary access to what is actually public data.

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Excellent work! I enjoyed the sports and Wall Street analogies.

This really is the "throw up your hands" if Google wins case. It is so obviously an illegal monopoly that will CLEARLY enhance multiple marketplaces worth trillions of dollars, and improve the lives of every human being on the internet.... if we can properly breakup Google ad tech into three or four open marketplaces.

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It seems that the failure of the COVID shots sham has changed how people see big business and big government.

Hopefully more of these cases come out to stop the craziness of concentrated wealth which is end stage capitalism, especially with the billions made from the vaccines, like Google's monopoly and censorship of anyone who questions the official "pravda".

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Thanks Tom, keep the lights on for us. Your work and Matt's are very important. Thank you.

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Thanks! Looking further to reading your further articles.

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Well-written article. Last night, I had dinner with some friends and discussed the antitrust suits against Google and what it means for the larger economy. They had not heard about any of the cases! Mostly, these cases vs Google are flying well under the American consciousness. I am forwarding this article along to my friends to give them an idea of what is at stake. This coverage is essential. Few understand how anti-trust laws can help restructure American society for the better. Writing like this can help rebuild the consensus

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For those of us in the DMV area, can you give a steer on the court schedule (next upcoming dates and times) and a sense of how packed the courtroom is? :)

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