Why does it matter whether Google is the best search engine, or whether people prefer it? Even if both of those are true (and I think they probably are), surely Google’s behavior could still be anticompetitive?

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Thank you for terrific coverage, and for presenting the courtroom action in context. And kudos to Matt for hiring Yosef.

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I hope that the DOJ doesn't fall for the bait of google's narrative of portraying Bing as their primary competitor. Bing survives because its supported by another monopolistic company and can be supported at a loss indefinitely.

Look instead at all of the small search providers that have tried to establish market share and failed.

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I am loving your coverage and look forward to following this trial blow by blow! Thank you!

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

I loved No Ads Neeva, and was willing to pay for it, albeit not much! Now it's gone. I loathed the day I came (was forced) back to Google's "superior" default search engine repleat with ads for products I have to get past to find what i want. Does that make it the worst? No. Does it make it the best? No, I think Neeva was the best! Oh, that's right, they're no longer around. (sigh) I gues No Ads meant not even your own. One man's word of mouth is not enough unless... well... *that* feels too much like selling my soul. Guess that makes me an everyman in some small way. Miss you Neeva!

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