Thanks Yosef. I find it amazing that so much of our future resides with the decisions of a single person, federal judge or not!

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Yosef, thank you for your important job of getting this to the light of day. Awesome.

Yes, agree with Larry. One single person deciding this especially when we have laws already to stop this type of behavior that don't get enforced. We found out during the last gilded age and the depression of 1929 that these rules have to be made to get businesses and people to do the right thing. This is probably even more true today with the new, since the 1980's, that all business is for profits only, nothing to do with social behavior. (And behavior not to be confused with ESG! ESG and social causes is mostly instigated by the economic elites to keep the population separated and arguing instead of finding commonality with each other).

I'm saying the stuff you learn in civics class. Knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing, which sounds simple but is hard to do when everybody is cheating. Like Mudd said, you have to dance, or you go away when asked about Fannie and Freddie in the last depression of 2007/08.

Thanks again Yosef.

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